Breath Awareness Meditation For Beginners (14 min)
The breath impacts how we think and how we feel. It is the only physiological process that can be either voluntary or involuntary. By focusing all of our awareness on the breath, we can observe the unconscious habits that impact how we feel.
Abdominal breath is great anytime we feel stressed or sad and want to induce a relaxed state of mind. If we are experiencing insomnia, this breath is a great way to calm down and drift off into sleep. If we are experiencing anxiety or any highly charged emotion, we can promote emotional healing with abdominal breath. It also improves digestion and calms Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Abdominal breathing also slows the heart beat, and lowers and stabilizes blood pressure.
You can do this!
Simply follow the sound of my voice. Relax as you learn.
In this Meditation you will experience:
Breath Awareness
Deep Relaxation
Abdominal Breath
Music: “Piano Melody For Relaxation” By: BlackTrendMusic
Image: “Close Up Top View Of Young Woman Meditating In Shavasana Yoga Pose” By: Skumer
Instagram: @KalyaniJen
YouTube: @HealingRestWithKalyani
Facebook: Kalyani Yoga
Spotify: Healing Rest
Insight Timer: Kalyani Jen Tobin